Zruby pod Chopkom, s.r.o. Medveďov-Bexeľ 1679/37, 976 52 Čierny Balog
as the controller, presents for the purposes of adhering to the fairness and transparency in relation to the data subjects the following notice on the processing of personal data pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) and pursuant to Article 19 of Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data as amended entitled
The purpose of the processing of personal data in accounting documents
Personal data are processed in the course of activities relating to the management of agenda necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject when processing accounting documents
Data subjects: natural persons
List of personal data: name, surname, title, address of permanent residence, address of temporary residence, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, type and number of identity document, signature, bank account number of the natural person
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting as amended. Act No 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax as amended. Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax as amended. Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended. Act No. 152/1994 Coll. on the Social Fund and on Amendments to Act No. 286/1992 Coll. on Income Tax as amended.
Recipient categories: Tax Office – the processing of personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to: Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax as amended, Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: Your personal data are stored pursuant to a separate regulation and a record-keeping plan and rules available on the website in the section on the protection of personal data
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
The purpose of the processing of personal data recorded in incoming and outgoing mailbox and in the registry:
Personal data are processed in the course of activities relating to keeping records of incoming and outgoing mail and registry administration
Data subjects: Natural persons – addressees, employees
List of personal data: birth identification number, name, surname, title, address, name of the organization, work position, e-mail address, subject and contents of the mail
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Act No. 395/2002 Coll. on Archives and Registries and on Amendments to Certain Acts as amended, Act No. 305/2013 Coll. on the Electronic Form of Governance Conducted by Public Authorities and on the Amendment to Certain Acts (e-Government Act), Act No. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipal Establishment as amended
Recipient categories:Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to: Act No. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipal Establishment as amended. Act No. 395/2002 Coll. on Archives and Registries and on Amendment to Certain Acts as amended, Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act. No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: general correspondence – 3 years, registry log 10 years
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
The purpose of the processing of personal data in the records of accommodated guests and the records of foreign nationals
Personal data are processed in the course of activities relating to keeping records of hotel services, hotel guests, room bookings, personal data in the hotel system and foreign guests
Data subjects: Clients – accommodated guests
List of personal data: Name, surname, title, residence, ID card number, name, surname, title, residence, ID card number of other accommodated guests, name, surname, title, date and place of birth of foreign national, citizenship, permanent residence in the home country, purpose of the journey to the Slovak Republic, passport number, visa: type, number, validity, name and address of the accommodation facility in the Slovak Republic, fellow travelling children, length of stay in the Slovak Republic, telephone number, email contact
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code, Act No.. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax, Act No. 582/2004 Coll. on Local Taxes and Local Fee for Municipal Waste and Minor Construction Waste, as amended, Act No. 222/2004 Coll. On Value Added Tax, Act No. 404/2011 on the Stay of Foreign Nationals and on the Amendments to Certain Acts, Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting, Act No. 496/2008 Coll. full wording in Act No. 253/1998 Coll. on the Reporting of Residence of the Slovak Republic Citizens and on the Register of the Slovak Republic Inhabitants as amended
Recipient categories: Tax Office – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to: Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax as amended, Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: Your personal data are stored pursuant to a separate regulation and a record-keeping plan and rules available on the website in the section on the protection of personal data
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
The purpose of the processing of personal data when sending marketing offers
Personal data are processed in the course of activities of the controller relating to keeping records of the clients who agreed with sending of marketing offers
Data subjects: Clients
List of personal data: Name, surname, email, telephone number
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Consent given voluntarily by the data subject who shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time on the website: ubytovanie@zrubypodchopkom.com
Recipient categories: Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processingis necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act. No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – theprocessing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data, Mailchimp® – The Rocket Science Group, LLC 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE Suite 5000 Atlanta, GA 30308 USA – zmluva
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: Personal data shall be processed during the duration of the consent with sending of marketing offers.
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
The purpose of the processing of personal data in the records of the complaints
Personal data are processed in the course of activities of the controller relating to the settlement of complaints
Data subjects: Persons submitting complaints
List of personal data: Name, surname, title, residence, telephone, email and the nature of the complaint
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Protection of Consumers and amendments to Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. On Offences as amended and other related generally binding legislation, Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended
Recipient categories:Slovak Trade Inspection – Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended, Act No. 128/2002 Coll. on State Control of Internal Market in Affairs of Consumer Protection and on the Amendments of Certain Acts, Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act. No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll., Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: Your personal data are stored pursuant to a separate regulation and a record-keeping plan and rules available on the website in the section on the protection of personal data
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
The purpose of the processing of personal data in the records of clients using season cards
Personal data are processed in the course of activities of the controller relating to the sale of season cards
Data subjects: Clients, employees
List of personal data: Title, name, surname, residence, telephone number, email, ID card number, date of birth
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Contract
Recipient categories: Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act. No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure as amended, Authorized state authority – the processingis necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation related to the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: Your personal data are stored pursuant to a separate regulation and a record-keeping plan and rules available on the website in the section on the protection of personal data
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
The purpose of the processing of personal data in the database of photographs
Personal data (photographs) are processed in the course of activities of the controller relating to the presentation of the activities of the controller
Data subjects: Employees, clients
List of personal data: name, surname, photograph
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Consent given voluntarily by the data subject who shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time on the website: ubytovanie@zrubypodchopkom.com
Recipient categories: Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act. No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: Personal data shall be processed during the duration of the consent with publishing photographs
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
Purpose of processing of personal data in the camera information system
Personal data are processed in the course of activities of the controller based on the specific need and request, in particular for the protection of public order and security, crime detection and protection of health and property.
Data subjects: Employees, clients, suppliers
List of personal data: camera recordings
Legal basis for the processing of personal data: the legitimate interest of the controller
Recipient categories: Courts, Law Enforcement Authorities – the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to Act. No. 301/2005 Coll. Code of Criminal Procedure as amended, Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as amended by Act No. 88/2017 Coll., Act No. 125/2016 Coll, Act on Certain Measures related to the Code of Contentious Civil Procedure, Code of Non-contentious Civil Procedure and Code of Administrative Procedure and on Amendments to Certain Acts, Competent state authority – the processing of personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject pursuant to general regulation on the protection of data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries.
Time limits for the deletion of personal data: 15 days
Automated decision-making and profiling shall not be carried out.
Your rights pursuant to EU REGULATION and ACT on the protection of data
It is important that understand your rights relating to your personal data we process. In addition to your right to withdraw your consent with the processing of personal data, you also have other rights arising from the Regulation and the Act on the protection of personal data.
Right of access
You shall have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data which we keep about you, as well as the information how we use your personal data.
In most cases, your personal data will be provided to you in written form, unless otherwise requested. If you requested provision of the data through electronic channels, the data will be provided to you electronically, if that is technically possible.
Right to remedy
We take necessary measures to ensure the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information we keep about you. If you think the data we have are inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, do not hesitate to contact us and request to update, adapt or supplement your information.
Right to erasure
In certain circumstances, you shall have the right to request erasure of your personal data, for example, if your personal data we keep are no longer necessary for the initial purpose of the processing or in case that you withdraw your consent with the processing of personal data. However, your right must be assessed from the viewpoint of all relevant circumstances. For example, we may have certain legal and regulatory obligations, which means that we may not be able to comply with your request.
Right to restriction of processing
In certain circumstances, you shall have the right to request that we stop using your personal data. For example, if you think that your personal data we keep may be inaccurate or if you think that we no longer need to use your personal data.
Right to data portability
In certain circumstances, you shall have the right to request that your personal data are transmitted to third party of your choice. Right to data portability shall only relate to personal data which we acquired based on your consent or based on a contract to which you are one of the contracting parties.
Right to object
You shall have the right to object to the processing of data which is based on our legitimate interest (for example, personal data are processed for the purposes of the safety of the network and infrastructure). In case that we do not have a convincing legitimate interest for the processing and you object to the processing of data, we will no longer process your personal data.
Rights relating to automated decision-making
You shall have the right to refuse automated decision-making, including profiling, if a legal or other significant consequence shall arise. The company usually does not use automated decision-making or profiling in the context of the employment.
Right to withdraw consent
In most cases, your personal data are not processed based on your consent. However, we may request your consent in specific cases. In such case, you shall have the right to withdraw your consent with further use of your personal data.
Right to lodge a complaint
If you want to lodge a complaint with regard to the method of the processing of your personal data, including exercising the above mentioned rights, feel free to contact our responsible person (contact details are provided above). All your suggestions and complaints shall be properly examined.
If you are not satisfied with our answer or if you believe that your personal data are processed unfairly or unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority, such as Office for personal data protection of the Slovak Republic, https://dataprotection.gov.sk/uoou/ , Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; telephone: +421 /2/ 3231 3214; E-mail: statny.dozor@pdp.gov.sk.
In case of any questions relating to the processing of your personal data, do not hesitate to contact ubytovanie@zrubypodchopkom.com.